Neapolitan Legends

In popular culture of Naples have always had a lot of importance to the legends, its mysterious characters, it is the reason for the name Legendary Naples, emphasizing as legendary excellence of the city in all fields of art and culture.


Omero tells that Ulisse, smart traveler but extremely curious, was aware of the danger of mermaids attracted sailors with their angelic singing and flattering, and then kill them fiercely. So it was that the protagonist of the Odissea, to step on their land, an island off the coast of the Sorrento peninsula, endowed his crew caps wax, but it did not bind any protection to 'mast, ordering not be let go for any reason, even if he had implored. It so happened that the siren Partenope, destroyed by the refusal of the hero greek, killed himself by jumping in mare.Il his lifeless body was found and collected pitifully by the ancient inhabitants of Naples on the islet of Megaride, where for all of us, today, stands the famous Castel dell'Ovo.

Castel dell 'Ovo

The name "Castel dell'Ovo" derives from an ancient legend that the Roman poet Virgil, who in the Middle Ages was considered a magician, hid in the secret building an egg that kept standing the whole fortress. Its failure would have caused not only the collapse of the castle, but also a series of ruinous disaster to the city of Naples. The legend circulating since 300 A.D. : L 'egg would be placed in a glass jar full of water protected by an iron cage. This was hung in a heavy oak beam placed in a small room located in the basement of the castle. So far no one has found the egg

Palazzo Donn'Anna

According to the legend told by the writer Matilde Serao, Donna Anna Carafa, wife of the Duke of Medina Coeli, loved to organize magnificent parties that participated the whole Spanish and Neapolitan nobility. In one of the many festivals, the rich, powerful and dreaded Donna Anna had set up a theater for the performance of a play, whose actors, following the French in vogue at the time, were all nobles. Among them it was also the beautiful young woman and Mercedes de las Torres, grandson of the duchess, who played the part of a slave in love with her boss played by Gaetano of Casapesenna. The two recited with such passion that in the final scene of the kiss everyone applauded with enthusiasm, all except that instead Donna Anna paled worn by jealousy at seeing her lover passionately kiss the young Mercedes. In the following days, the two women fought violently and then suddenly Donna Mercedes disappeared mysteriously. Word spread that he had taken refuge in a convent after a sudden religious vocation, but the poor Gaetano desperately tried relentlessly, begged, pleaded and cried all the tears that had, until he died in battle.Jealousy of Donna Anna had poisoned the soul and the bitterness never left until the end of his days. According this legend in the palace appear, from time to time, the ghost of Donna Anna cruel and attendance of the two crossed lovers, Mercedes and Gaetano, who are desperate for ever.


In Neapolitan tradition Cola (Nicola) Fish or Fish Nicholas is a guy cursed by his mother for his constant diving. It ends up being the same fish, flaky skin. Cola sought refuge in the sea, using the body of large fish from which it was to swallow, to exit on arrival and cutting the belly. The legend derives from the late pagan cult of the sons of Neptune, that divers with magical powers, able to hold his breath in apnea to be able to steal the treasures and secrets. They, mating with mysterious marine creatures (probably monk seals) and with the help of the siren Partenope, bought these magical powers. The late pagan origin of the legend is reported by Benedetto Croce in Stories and legends Neapolitan. A bas-relief depicting a man covered in what looks like a skin with a knife, the weapon used to escape from the belly of the fish conveyor, is located in via Mezzocannone, the university area. In 1936 Raffaele Viviani dedicated a poem.

Bella 'Mbriana

Tradition tells of a beautiful princess, as beautiful as unhappy, and his love never lived. A love so strong and absolute that, once lost, had caused her an absolute vacuum. So immense was the despair that reason could not bear; so the girl had gone out of his mind and his madness had brought her to wander the streets of the city, like a shadow, looking for something or someone that never found. The king, his father, in despair, not knowing what to do, to protect her, he decided to reward anonymously those who opened their home to his poor daughter, pity from his unhappiness. Thus it was born the legend of a mysterious female figure, who dwells in our homes and protect them. For the people of Naples, she is the spirit of the house and ensures well-being and health for occupants.

The crocodile of Maschio Angioino

An ancient legend tells of frequent and mysterious disappearances of prisoners because of which was increased vigilance. He was soon discovered that these disappearances occurred due to a crocodile that penetrated through an opening in the basement and dragged overboard detainees for a leg after being bitten. Once discovered this they were subjected to the jaws of the reptile all you wanted to send convicts to death without too much fuss. Later to kill the crocodile used as bait on a large leg of horse poisoned and, once dead, he was stuffed and engaged on the front door of the castle.